I've been pretty busy this weekend,
mugging, exams, acting in a shortfilm for Vicson's FYP!
Boyf was suppose to be the male lead,
but he backed out like one, two day before the actual filming,
which is like super duper irresponsible okay!
His was suppose to act as this psycho guy,
who is pretty normal when he's taking his meds,
but he suddenly became really paranoid and stuff,
and i'm suppose to act as his girlfriend. -.-
But since boyf backed out, poor vicson and his crew was
like so stressed out finding another replacement.
So this guy became my "boyfriend"!

It's daniel, the guy in the middle.
Humph, smelly leon, all his fault!
I only agreed to act cos there's a hugging scene,
and since he's really my boyf,
obviously i won't mind acting with him!
And it's soooo damn awkward,
Vicson was like briefing us and he was like:
"Daniel you walk out of the lecture room,
spot "Anna" (ME!) and walk over and hug her,
how to hug you two decide for yourself."
Then i was like, wtf? i just met him and you ask me
to decide how i wanna hug an almost-stranger guy?!
@#$%^& smelly vicson.
It's like damn bloody awkward, and we both were like..
eeeeer.. try.. then you know how guys normally
hug each other in this very manly way?!
it's like damn awkward and funny!
the boom-mic thingy is so heavy!
i can't imagine holding that up for sooooo long!
The poor "strangers" who was suppose to walk pass us
when we're hugging. -.- they are super poor thing please!
Cos we took like soooooo many takes/rehearsals,
they had to walk pass us, walk back, walk pass us, walk back
for dunno how many bloody time!!!
that scene took like, 3 hours?
sooooo tired and sleeeeeeepy!
Was suppose to accompany jessica to jayden's 21st birthday party
BUT i suddenly rmb i've got something on so i couldn't go!
Humph! So sad!
Happy Belated Birthday Jaydeeeeeeen! ^-^
Anyway, the next morning i woke up at 7.30
cos i got to reach Ngee Ann poly by 9plus,
when i woke up, i was like.. hmmm sleeeeeeepy,
why my right eye cannot open.. rub rub rub eye..
It's fucking swollen like shit! @#$%^
I'm really super duper bloody sway. Period.
Some bloody mosqito bit my eyelid,
and it swelled until my double eyelid is totally gone?!
like, i totally look like i have single eyelid cos of the swelling lah!
I took like 1 hour trying to paste the bloody eyelid tape
and it won't stay cos it's really super bloody swollen,
and doing my bloody CMI eye makeup.
I look so damn horrible that day,
& i was in such a bad mood i had that perfect major bitchface
that i need for the break-up scene later that morning.
Then fuck, when i'm doing my makeup i saw
this bloody FAT mosquito buzzing right infront of my face!
I quickly grabbed two piece of tissue & smacked the bloody piece of shit,
laid it on the table and hammered it with my fist for like 20 times.
No kidding man, i was SOOOOO pissed.
He's just training to walk in heels before he goes for his op.
heheheh, he's just expanding my heels for me
so it's more comfortable for me! :x
His eyelashes are longer than mine lor, so unfair!
With my goldfish memory, it's a very taxing task indeed! ):
1st scene was me breaking up with my psycho "boyfriend"!
Aiyah! keep getting my lines wrong,
2nd scene psycho boyf being very psycho
(... ermm.. yeah psycho..)
and shocking the hell out of his "friends/gf."
Daniel kept singing that Jizz in my Pants song,
and doing that "JIZZING" action. -.-
watch the video and you'll get what i mean!
...and it's totally stuck it my head now, ARGH!
Checked my mailbox and i've got maaaail! (:
V'day present for my gfs in the other mail!
but two items was missing from the package
and i'm soooo disappointed! But i've emailed the merchant
and they've resend it to me. Sigh, hope it'll arrives in time! ):
hehe, thanks nuffnang! :D
Sayonara, Loves! (:
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